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Rasa: Mješanac
Starost: 1 - 6 mjeseci
Spol: Mužijak
O meni

Race: Mixed breed, Labrador type in appearance

Age: 6-12 months

Sex: Male, neutered

Size: Medium-sized dog (about 15 kg) and should not grow any further

Coat: Black color with a white spot on the neck. It sheds a little and once every few days it is necessary to brush/comb the dog.

Relationship with adults and children: Bolt is good with adults and with children of all ages.

Relationship with other dogs and other animals: Good with dogs and could be in a home with another dog. He is curious about cats, and with a little adaptation he could live with them.

What type of family would suit Bolt?

Bolt is a young, beautiful, cheerful and playful dog with a nature like a Labrador. He is particularly weak to all kinds of food and loves rewards. He is very intelligent and loves to learn. By now he has learned his name, the command sit and come. It is necessary to work with him on training because he has the potential to become a very well-behaved dog who knows all the manners. He does not pull on the leash unless there is some excitement on the other side, like another dog beckoning him to play. In the house, he is calm and likes to lie in a position where everyone in the house can keep an eye on him. It is necessary to gradually work on adapting him to stay alone at home. He is good with both children and adults, and would be best suited to a home with more members of the household or a more active couple.

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Kako funkcionira udomljavanje

Ako razmatrate da nabavite psa, razmislite da udomite i tako spasite jedan život! Putem našeg Programa fostering udomljavanja, uz stručnu pomoć i dodatnu podršku, pronaći ćete ljubimca koji se uklapa u vaš životni stil, psa koji će uz vašu odgovornu brigu i ljubav, postati vaš najbolji prijatelj koji će vam biti odan i zahvalan do kraja svog života!