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Kako funkcioniše udomljavanje


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Rasa: Mješanac
Starost: 1 - 6 mjeseci
Spol: Mužijak
O meni

A big cunt, he already knows most of the basic commands, and he knows how to stay alone at home a little bit!

Although he likes to play with other dogs, it is recommended that he be the only dog ​​in the house, although he has the potential to get used to life with a cat.

Race: Mixed breed, Pekingese in appearance

Age: 1-2 years

Sex: Male, neutered

Size: Small-sized dog (weighs about 7 kg)

Coat: Space has a black coat of medium length with a white spot on the neck. It sheds moderately, and should be thoroughly brushed once a week.

Relationship with adults and children: Space is good with both adults and children of all ages.

Relationship with other dogs and other animals: He is good with dogs and could potentially get used to living with a cat.

What type of family would suit Space?

Space is a very nice, well-behaved young dog. In the house he is calm, on a leash for a walk - excellent. Space responds quickly to the call and already knows how to sit on command. A variety of family types and lifestyles would suit him. It would fit into a family with or without children, with singles or couples. It is recommended that he be the only dog ​​in the house. He can stay at home alone for a short time, and with practice he will gradually get used to staying at home alone. Space likes to have his own place and is happy to sleep on it at night. He is relaxed during the car ride and also at the vet. She is a big cuddler and enjoys daily scratching and brushing. There is a calm dog in the house that could get used to living in a family with a cat.

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Kako funkcionira udomljavanje

Ako razmatrate da nabavite psa, razmislite da udomite i tako spasite jedan život! Putem našeg Programa fostering udomljavanja, uz stručnu pomoć i dodatnu podršku, pronaći ćete ljubimca koji se uklapa u vaš životni stil, psa koji će uz vašu odgovornu brigu i ljubav, postati vaš najbolji prijatelj koji će vam biti odan i zahvalan do kraja svog života!