We speak on the occasion of extreme cruelty to a dog in Lukavica on Sunday, September 22, 2024, which caused this innocent being to suffer the most cruel torture and lose its life as a result.
It is difficult to express an adequate reaction to such a horrific act that affects all aspects of society and devastatingly affects both witnesses and all those who have read and watched about it in the media, including children and young people.
Tolerance of such treatment of any living being, especially an animal that has been close to man for centuries, and the lack of adequate legal consequences for the perpetrators ultimately threatens to result in desensitization to brutality and crime, which leads to danger for the entire society, especially the powerless ones who cannot defend themselves.
That is why, as an organization for the welfare of dogs that has been investing its capacities and resources in BiH for over 12 years, but also as a team of responsible, humane and empathetic human beings, we call on the competent services and institutions to strongly react and legally sanction this crime and to transparently inform the public about it.
In addition, we call on all authorities to initiate or intensify communication to prevent irresponsible, and especially inhumane and cruel treatment of animals, especially dogs that become "strays" precisely because of the irresponsibility of people.
We believe that this issue is extremely important not only for the safety and well-being of animals, but also for humans, because the tolerance of cruelty towards an innocent being is only a small step away from the same crime towards another, perhaps next time towards a child or other vulnerable person.
We would like to thank the animal lovers who ran to the rescue and tried to help this dog, as well as the association "Prijatelji životinja", which informed us of its commitment to respond adequately to such a crime through the judiciary bodies in order not only to sanction the perpetrator, but also to prevent cruelty to animals and violence in general.