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Rasa: Mješanac
Starost: 1 - 6 mjeseci
Spol: Mužijak
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Smart and cuddly, knows all the commands, this graceful diva will quickly fall in love with you!

Breed: Pincha-type mixed breed

Age: 1-2 years

Sex: female, spayed

Dog size: small dog

Foxy is a spayed female about a year and a half old, of small stature, a crossbreed of the Pinca type.

She is cute, with slender lines and quick movements, with a lot of energy. She is good with people and children, and with other dogs, but it would be best if she were the only dog ​​in the home. She likes to run and is relaxed on a leash. She reacts fantastically to treats and has already heard basic commands. Ideal owners for Foxy are energetic with a more active lifestyle, ready to take care of her for the rest of her life!

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Kako funkcionira udomljavanje

Ako razmatrate da nabavite psa, razmislite da udomite i tako spasite jedan život! Putem našeg Programa fostering udomljavanja, uz stručnu pomoć i dodatnu podršku, pronaći ćete ljubimca koji se uklapa u vaš životni stil, psa koji će uz vašu odgovornu brigu i ljubav, postati vaš najbolji prijatelj koji će vam biti odan i zahvalan do kraja svog života!