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O Joker

Rasa: Mješanac
Starost: 1 - 6 mjeseci
Spol: Mužijak
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About 2 months old, this beautiful "boy" with still baby-soft fur, is an adorable mixed breed who, thanks to our program, will not have to live on the streets.

According to our experts, Joker will be a medium-sized dog.

He had no bad experiences in his little life, so he treats everyone and everything very friendly and with curiosity! He would fit in well in a home with other pets - if they are also friendly, and he also loves children who should definitely be taught the principles of safety in contact with a dog and how to follow and respect the dog's body language. Thus, Joker will remain a pure joy for his owners and everyone who comes into contact with him!

With his temporary owner, fostering volunteer Lana, he already goes to Dog School. He learns quickly, and is very interested in commands and the treats that follow. Since he is still very young, the training for the rules of behavior in the house is ongoing.

He was a good boy and did not resist the veterinary examination, and bravely submitted all the vaccinations!

Joker likes to play, especially with his toys, and when he gets tired, just like a baby, he just lays down and falls asleep :).

The right owner for Joker is one who will manage to earn the immense trust that Joker innocently places, and who will teach and treat him using the positive motivation methods he learned in Dog School!

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Kako funkcionira udomljavanje

Ako razmatrate da nabavite psa, razmislite da udomite i tako spasite jedan život! Putem našeg Programa fostering udomljavanja, uz stručnu pomoć i dodatnu podršku, pronaći ćete ljubimca koji se uklapa u vaš životni stil, psa koji će uz vašu odgovornu brigu i ljubav, postati vaš najbolji prijatelj koji će vam biti odan i zahvalan do kraja svog života!